UGA Dissertations & Theses Database is a collection of the theses and dissertations submitted electronically to the Graduate School at the University of Georgia since the summer of 1999.
All dissertations are included, although some may not be viewable from off-campus. The record for an individual document is always viewable and will indicate the availability of the document. The author of a dissertation or thesis, in conjunction with his or her major professor, makes the determination if the work will be publicly available.
UGA Dissertations & Theses Database can be searched by keywords, author, title, department, major, major professor, committee members, etc. For additional information, click the "Instructions" button on any search screen. Since an individual's name may appear in the database in various ways (especially for faculty members on the advisory committees), use the Browse Search to find all variations.
NOTE: The complete text of the dissertations and theses is not searchable in this database. However, for those that are publicly available, use the Adobe "Find" feature (binoculars icon) to search the text of an individual thesis or dissertation.