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All community patrons are required to sign in before using the library and its services.

Community Members
Augusta Technical College welcomes all adult visitors and members of the community who are over 18 years of age to visit the library. All visitors and community patrons are required to sign in before using the library and its services. Visitors and patrons may not check out library resources but may use the available resources in-house during the regular hours of operation. Computers are available for use upon signing in and presenting identification to library staff. One public computer is available on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to one hour per day. Printing is available for .25 cents per page in black/white and 2.00 per page in color. There is a twenty-five-page print limit per day. Copy machines are also available for use for .10 cents per page. All library visitors and patrons must abide by the College and library policies. 

Use of Library Computers
The primary purpose of the library is to serve its students, faculty, and staff. Although visitors are welcomed, ITC reserves the right to limit access or otherwise restrict the use of our facilities, collections, and services. Augusta Tech Library PCs should be used for research or course-related activities. 

Children & Young Adults
The Library is unable to serve children under eighteen (18) years of age unless that student is dual-enrolled at Augusta Technical College. Students, faculty, staff, and public adult patrons are not allowed to bring minors into the ITC/Library. This policy is in accordance with TSCG Procedure 4.3.2p7 labeled Children in the Workplace. The State of Georgia (through its benefits and leave programs) and the Technical College of Georgia (TCSG) (through employment-related policies, procedures, and programs) seek to provide a work-life balance that is supportive of employees and their families. The TCSG cannot, however, permit the continued or reoccurring presence of children in the workplace due to potential legal liability, health and safety concerns, and/or the potential disruption to other employees and/or to TCSG operations. For these reasons, children may not be brought to the workplace except in the circumstances referenced in Paragraph VI.A.1 Child: any individual under the age of eighteen (18). General Provisions: 1. A child may not be brought to the workplace except in the following circumstances: a. an emergency situation referenced in Paragraph VI.A.7.; b. when a child is enrolled in a technical college’s child enrichment center or group daycare home; c. when a child is participating in a technical college dual enrollment program or in a live-work project (e.g., as a client receiving dental hygiene or cosmetology services).

Loading Computer Software
Only authorized personnel is permitted to load computer software on the library’s computers. Failure to comply with this computer lab policy will lead to expulsion from the computer lab.

Weeding Policy
The following criteria will be used to discard library materials. The collection is consistent with the goals of the library/media center as expressed in the mission statement.

• Balance of materials in a subject area
• Date of print
• Listing of materials in a standard current core bibliography
• Research the value of the material

The library has established a Health Sciences Archives on the second floor of the library that holds all Health Sciences items (call number designation R subject area) older than the current five years. Current Health Sciences books are shelved on the second floor of the library in a separate location and are weeded annually to keep only the current five years. Current Health Sciences videos are kept in a separate location on the second floor. Items older than the current five years are moved to the Health Sciences Archives on the second floor. Signs about the Health Sciences Archives and current Health Sciences items are posted. Each item has a label designating it as Health Sciences Archives. Library staff informs users that current items may be available in the Health Sciences subject area on the second floor of the library for books and in a different area for videos when they check out Health Sciences Archives items. Branch Campus libraries send items to the Augusta Campus Library for inclusion in the Health Sciences Archives since space is limited at the branch libraries. Weeding is done as multiple duplications of items require more space in the Health Sciences Archives.

Collection Development Policy
The purpose of the collection development policy is to clearly state its operating guidelines for the selection and acquisition of library/media materials and to provide consistency among those who are responsible for developing the collection. Further, it is useful in communicating the library/media center’s policies to faculty, students, and other members of the Augusta Technical College community. It is understood that as the Augusta Technical College community changes, so will the collection development policy change to meet these needs. All of Augusta Technical College’s community members are encouraged to contribute their ideas concerning the nature and content of the collection development policy.

The mission of the Augusta Technical College Library is to provide facilities and learning information resources that are appropriate to support its teaching, research, and service mission.

Allocation of Funds for Library/Media Materials
It is the responsibility of the Director of Library Services to allocate the materials budget in such a way as to fulfill the collection development goals.

Selection Aids
Materials are selected with recommendations from faculty, staff and the community. Faculty and staff are provided brochures, pamphlets, and catalogs to peruse and make material selections based on their subject of instruction, appropriateness to the collection and curricula needs. When the selection is noted in the pamphlet, catalog or brochure, the choices are submitted to the Librarian. Every effort is made to order up-to-date materials for the subject area if the budget allows. The Library staff checks the collection to make sure the material is not already owned by the Library.

Priority will be given to current educational materials in support of the curriculum. Recreational and other materials may be collected to the extent that they contribute to a well-educated or well-rounded person. The following criteria serve as a guide for the selection of materials which are consistent with the goals expressed in the mission statement.

The publication date of materials is critical in some subject areas, therefore; the collection generally consists of materials published within the past five years unless it has historical or research significance. Current editions of textbooks will be added only upon faculty request. Materials of historical nature will be evaluated by the staff as to suitability.

Selection Criteria
•Authority, honesty, and credibility of author and publisher
• Budget
• Comparison and correlation to existing collection
• Currency and accurateness of information
• Curriculum Support
• Demand
• Ease of use
• Format, including legibility, binding and type
• Price
• Purpose, scope, and intended audience of a particular work
• Subject matter in relation to the curriculum
• Timeliness and importance of information

Gifts are encouraged with the understanding that the library/media center may dispose of them or add them to the collection at its discretion, and in the same manner as purchased material. The library/media center assumes no responsibility for appraisal of gift items, nor can the library/media center accept gifts under restricted conditions.

Criteria for Discarding Library Materials 
Disposal methods include: transfer to state salvage, transfer to classroom collections at the request of faculty, exchange with other libraries, and donation to public service institutions. The disposal method is based on the following:

• Duplicates
• Language
• Last day of circulation
• Physical condition
• Subject areas and material types
• Timeliness

Lost or Damaged Items
Items lost or damaged will be replaced if they are still available in the current state and considered appropriate for the collection. Patrons are charged for the lost or damaged item plus a $5.00 processing fee.

Cooperative Networks
No library can provide all of the materials needed by its users. To meet requests of users via interlibrary loans, Augusta Technical College Library is an active member of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). In addition to interlibrary loans, Augusta Technical College Library has cooperative agreements with the Technical College Libraries in Georgia.

Intellectual Freedom
The library/Media center affirms the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to Read Act and Intellectual Freedom statement; which outlines attitudes towards selection of materials, censorship, and the right to free access to information.

Check Out Policies

  • Must have Augusta Technical College photo ID with a current sticker
  • The due date is stamped on the item
  • Two renewals per item per quarter
  • No Renewals on Reserve items: DVDs, books, tapes

     Overdue fines

  • Ten cents per day for regular checkout
  • One dollar per day for Reserve items: DVDs, books, tapes
  • All items are due at the end of the quarter
  • Library privileges expire at the end of the quarter
  • Overdue notices are not sent out
  • Holds will be placed on the student’s record before financial aid checks are issued and at the end of the quarter if:
    • Items are overdue
    • Fines are not paid